Are you ready to start a new adventure this school year ?

Ahhh! The start of a new school year! Can you feel the electricity in the air? Are you bursting with back-to-school jitters? This is a time of year when the mind of CBN teachers races with excitement and anticipation for what possibilities the school year will bring.

Por Teacher Morgan
Oct 09    13

The first weeks at CBN Jr. High is always a FUN time because it involves team building, organization, and relationships. A time to mix rules and procedures with LOTS OF FUN. CBN faculty want students to be excited about the year, but I also want them to understand the expectations and rules that we have in our classroom and school. We also want Our students to begin to build relationships with each other. We are excited to share with you some of our FAVORITE first week activities we did for the start of school this year! Let's get started.

September 11th Colego Binlingüe del Noroeste  Jr.high
Kicked Off ‘Vax to School’ Student Vaccination Campaign.

 ‘Vax to School’ campaign encouraging students and families to get fully vaccinated by the beginning of the school year. Colegio Bilingüe Del Noroeste did its campaign on September 11th.  Vaccinated students create a healthier future.





The History of Mexican Independence Day

Mexican Independence Day commemorates the momentous day when priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla called on Mexicans to rise up against the colonial government of Spain on September 16, 1810. Father Hidalgo gave his famous “GRITO” battle cry in the town of Dolores, and his powerful speech rallied the people behind the movement. But this was only the beginning of the struggle for freedom, as Mexico wouldn’t gain full independence from Spain until 1821.

CBN Jr. HIGH, remembered, acted out, and enjoyed well-played and sang performances by classmates that for a couple of weeks prior started preparing the enactment of such an important date for all Mexicans. 





Classes were held normally and with great anticipation students awaited the time to cast their vote.  The voting took place at 12 noon on Sep. 20th.  The Associated Student Body (ASB) elections were held with three students vying for the position of student body president. Not surprisingly, the new ASB President is, Regina Xitlali Reséndiz Cuadras. The two other candidates accepted the voting outcome and welcomed their new Associated Student Body President. 

Special recognition to Ian Campillo, from 7th grade and Ana Esthela Nogueda from 9th grade whom both did an excellent campaign. 



